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As homeowners in Australia, we constantly seek ways to enhance our living spaces while embracing the natural beauty surrounding us. With its abundant sunshine, our continent offers the perfect environment for harnessing natural light in our homes. One effective method to achieve this is by installing skylights in metal roofing.

This blog post will explore the benefits, considerations, and step-by-step process of adding skylights to your metal roof, helping you brighten your home and create a more enjoyable living environment.

The benefits of installing skylights in metal roofs

Skylights offer numerous advantages when installed on metal roofs, transforming your living spaces and creating a brighter, more enjoyable environment. Here are some key benefits:

Natural lighting

Skylights serve as windows to the sky, allowing abundant natural light to filter into your home. This natural illumination has a range of benefits:

Health and well-being

Sunlight boosts mood, improves mental health, and increases productivity. It can contribute to a more positive and energetic atmosphere in your home.

Visual appeal

Natural light creates a sense of openness and enhances the aesthetic appeal of your interior spaces. It highlights architectural features, illuminates artwork, and creates a natural glow.

Daytime energy efficiency

By harnessing natural light during the day, you can reduce the reliance on artificial lighting, leading to energy savings and lower electricity bills.

Energy efficiency

Installing skylights in your metal roof can contribute to energy efficiency in several ways:

Reduced lighting costs

With skylights providing ample natural light, you can rely less on electric lighting during the daytime, reducing energy consumption.

Passive solar heating

Skylights allow sunlight to enter, warming the space in colder months. This passive solar heating minimises the need for additional heating, thus lowering energy usage and costs.


Many skylights are designed with ventilation features, promoting airflow and improving indoor air quality:

Fresh air circulation

Skylights with operable vents or motorised openings facilitate fresh air circulation, enhancing ventilation and reducing the need for mechanical cooling systems.

Temperature regulation

During hot summer months, skylights can be opened to release trapped hot air, promoting a cooler and more comfortable living environment.

Aesthetics and ambience

Skylights add a touch of elegance and sophistication to your home's interior and exterior:

Architectural focal point

Skylights create a unique focal point, drawing attention to the beauty of the sky and bringing an element of architectural interest to any room.

Increased space perception

By allowing natural light to enter from above, skylights create an illusion of expanded space, making smaller rooms appear larger and more inviting.

Connection to nature

Skylights provide a visual link to the outdoors, allowing you to enjoy the beauty of the sky, clouds, stars, and even rain showers. They create a sense of harmony between your indoor spaces and the natural world.

How to install skylights in a metal roof

Step one: Pre-installation preparation

  • Check local regulations: Before proceeding with the installation, check with your local building authorities to make sure you comply with any permits or regulations regarding skylight installation.
  • Gather tools and materials: Prepare all the tools and materials required for the installation, including a tape measure, drill, flashing kit, sealant, screws, and safety equipment such as gloves and goggles.
  • Assess roof condition: Inspect the metal roof for any signs of damage or weakness. Ensure that your home's roof is structurally sound and capable of accommodating the full weight of the skylight.

Step two: Determine skylight placement

  • Interior considerations: Decide on the optimal location for the skylight based on the interior layout and lighting needs. Consider factors such as room function, furniture placement, and the desired distribution of natural light.
  • Exterior considerations: Evaluate the roof's orientation and slope to determine the most suitable arrangement for maximum sunlight penetration and proper drainage.

Step three: Prepare the roof opening

  • Mark the opening: Use a tape measure and chalk line to mark the desired size and shape of the skylight opening on the metal roof. Ensure the dimensions align with the specifications provided by the skylight manufacturer.
  • Cut the opening: Carefully cut along the marked lines to create the skylight opening using a reciprocating saw or metal cutting blade. Follow all safety precautions and wear appropriate protective gear during this process.

Step four: Install flashing

  • Flashing kit: Select a flashing kit specifically designed for metal roofs and the chosen skylight model. The flashing kit includes base flashing, side flashing, and apron flashing, which create a watertight seal around the skylight opening.
  • Apply sealant: Apply a generous amount of roofing sealant to the bottom side of the base flashing. Carefully position the base flashing over the skylight opening and press it firmly onto the roof surface, ensuring a secure bond.
  • Install side and apron flashing: Follow the manufacturer's instructions to install the side and apron flashing, overlapping them with the base flashing to create a continuous and watertight barrier.

Step five: The skylight is installed

  • Position the skylight: Carefully place it into the prepared opening, ensuring it fits snugly and aligns with the flashing.
  • Secure the skylight: Depending on the skylight model, use the provided screws or clips to secure the skylight to the roof. Follow the manufacturer's guidelines to ensure proper installation.

Step six: Insulate and weatherproof

  • Insulation: Apply appropriate insulation material around the skylight or roof window opening on the Colorbond roof, ensuring a tight seal to prevent air leakage and heat transfer. Use insulation materials specifically designed for metal roofing.
  • Weatherproofing: Apply a bead of roofing sealant suitable for metal roofing around the perimeter of the skylight or roof window, sealing any gaps or potential entry points for water. Ensure a continuous and waterproof seal to protect against leaks.

Step seven: Finishing touches

  • Trim and finish: Trim any excess flashing or sealant as necessary to achieve a clean and professional appearance.
  • Test for leaks: After the installation, thoroughly inspect the skylight and surrounding area for any signs of leaks. Use a hose or water source to simulate rainfall and ensure proper water drainage.

Choosing the right skylight for your metal roof

There are copious considerations when choosing the right skylight for your metal roof. Making an informed choice will ensure a proper fit and enhance the aesthetics, energy efficiency, and functionality of your skylight.

Roof pitch and orientation

The pitch and orientation of your metal roof play a pivotal role in determining how effective the skylight is. The roof pitch refers to the steepness or slope of the roof, while the orientation refers to the direction it faces. These factors impact the amount of sunlight that enters through the skylight.


The pitch of your roof affects the angle at which sunlight strikes the skylight. A steep roof pitch allows for more direct sunlight, while a shallow slope may result in less direct light. Consider the optimal pitch to maximise sunlight and minimise glare or excessive heat.


North-facing skylights receive the most consistent and even sunlight throughout the day in the southern hemisphere, making them ideal for capturing natural light. East and west-facing skylights may receive direct sunlight during specific daylight times, which can be advantageous depending on your lighting preferences.

Roofing material

Metal roofs are available in varying materials, such as steel, aluminium, or copper, each with its own characteristics and installation requirements. Choosing skylights compatible with your specific metal roof is vital to ensure a proper fit and prevent potential leaks or damage.

Flashing compatibility

Skylights for metal roofs typically come with flashing kits explicitly designed for the roofing material. These kits include roof flashing components that create a waterproof seal around the skylight opening, preventing water penetration. Ensure the skylight kit matches your metal roof's flashing requirements for a secure and weather-resistant installation.


Metal roofs are susceptible to condensation due to temperature fluctuations and the potential for moisture buildup. When installing skylights, it is essential to consider proper insulation and ventilation to prevent condensation-related issues and ensure optimal performance.


Adequate insulation around the skylight opening helps prevent temperature differentials between the interior and exterior surfaces, minimising condensation. Use insulation materials specifically designed for metal roofs to maintain a comfortable and moisture-free environment.


Proper ventilation is crucial for preventing condensation buildup. Skylights with built-in venting capabilities allow for improved airflow, expelling moist air and preventing condensation issues. Consider selecting skylights that offer ventilation options, particularly in areas prone to high humidity or moisture accumulation.

Size and shape

The size and shape of the skylight play a pivotal role in determining the total amount of natural light that enters your space and the overall visual impact. Consider the following when picking the size and shape of your skylight:

Available space

Assess the available roof space and the room size beneath. Take measurements to determine the maximum dimensions that can be accommodated without compromising the roof's structural integrity.

Lighting needs

Consider the desired level of natural light in the room. A larger skylight will allow more sunlight to enter, creating a brighter space. However, ensure that the size of the skylight is proportional to the room and doesn't overpower the surrounding elements.

Room function

The function of the room will also influence the total size and shape of the skylight. For instance, a small bathroom may benefit from a compact tubular skylight, while a larger living room may require a larger fixed skylight or a combination of multiple skylights.

Glazing options

Skylights come with different glazing options, each offering unique features and benefits. Consider the following glazing options when choosing your skylight:

Clear glass

Clear glass allows maximum light transmission, providing unobstructed sky views. It is an excellent option should you wish to maximise natural light and enjoy the full beauty of the outdoors.

Tinted glass

Tinted glass skylights reduce the amount of sunlight and glare that enters the room. They can be beneficial in rooms where excessive heat or direct sunlight may be an issue, such as south-facing rooms or areas with intense sun exposure.

Frosted or diffused glass

Frosted or diffused glass scatters the incoming light, providing a soft and diffused illumination. This glazing offers privacy and can be ideal for bathrooms or rooms where privacy is desired while allowing ample natural light.

Low-E coatings

Low-emissivity (low-E) coatings on the glass help regulate heat transfer. They reflect heat during hot summers, keeping the room cooler and retaining warmth during colder months, improving energy efficiency.

UV protection

Consider skylights with built-in UV protection to prevent fading and damaging furniture, flooring, and fabrics caused by harmful ultraviolet rays.

Energy efficiency

Choosing an energy-efficient skylight can significantly impact your home's energy consumption and comfort. Consider the following energy-efficient features:

Multiple glazing layers

Double or triple-glazing skylights provide additional insulation and reduce heat transfer, enhancing energy efficiency.

Insulated frames

Opt for skylights with insulated frames to minimise heat loss or gain through the frame and improve overall thermal performance.

Solar control features

Some skylights incorporate solar control features such as built-in blinds or shades that allow you to designate the amount of light and heat entering the room.

Ventilation options

Skylights with operable vents or motorised openings provide the opportunity for natural ventilation, allowing fresh air to circulate and reducing the need for mechanical cooling.

Energy efficiency ratings

Look for skylights with high energy efficiency ratings, such as ENERGY STAR certification or similar energy efficiency labels. These ratings indicate that the skylight meets specific energy performance standards.

Types of skylights

Consider different options, such as traditional skylights, roof windows, and sun tunnels. Traditional skylights are installed on the roof surface, while roof windows provide natural light and ventilation. Sun tunnels are ideal for areas with limited roof space or where traditional skylights are not feasible.

Quality and warranty

Choose skylights from reputable manufacturers like Velux, known for their quality products and extensive warranties. Velux skylights offer superior performance, durability, and energy efficiency, making them an excellent choice for metal roofs.

Professional installation vs. DIY

Installing skylights on metal roofs can be a complex task. While some experienced homeowners may opt for a do-it-yourself approach, it is often recommended to hire professional installers for the following reasons:


Professional installers have the necessary skills, knowledge, and experience to assess your roof's condition, select appropriate skylights, and ensure a secure and watertight installation. Professionals are familiar with all local building codes and safety regulations, reducing the risk of errors and complications.

Warranty coverage

Many skylight manufacturers offer warranties that require professional installation to be valid. Hiring professionals ensures you comply with the manufacturer's requirements and safeguards your warranty coverage.

Time and convenience

Professional installers have the right tools and resources to complete the installation efficiently. They can save you time and effort, allowing you to focus on other daily tasks while ensuring a professionally installed skylight.

Use experts to install skylights on your metal roof

Following these step-by-step instructions, you can successfully install skylights or roof windows on a colorbond metal roof, bringing natural lighting and numerous benefits to your living spaces.

However, if you are uncomfortable with the installation process, it is advised to consult an expert for skylight installation, roof repairs, or roof replacement. Roofing professionals or contractors experienced in skylight installations can provide invaluable expertise, especially for colorbond roofs or complex roofing projects.

They have the necessary knowledge and skills to assess your roof's condition, recommend the right skylight options, ensure proper flashing and integration, and guarantee a watertight and durable installation.

Sky High Quality Roofing Without the Sky High Price

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